[Rainmeter] Author =hatbocs@gmail.com AppVersion =1.0 Update =500 ;Update the calendar every .5 seconds ;Disable when done ;Set BackgroundMode=2 for solid light grey bg color. Really only used during debugging. BackgroundMode =0 BevelType =0 [Variables] backgroundcolor=0,0,0,20 User=Reggie Note1a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1a\notes1a.txt Note1b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1b\notes1b.txt Note1c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1c\notes1c.txt Note1d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1d\notes1d.txt Note1e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1e\notes1e.txt Note1f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\1f\notes1f.txt Note2a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2a\notes2a.txt Note2b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2b\notes2b.txt Note2c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2c\notes2c.txt Note2d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2d\notes2d.txt Note2e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2e\notes2e.txt Note2f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\2f\notes2f.txt Note3a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3a\notes3a.txt Note3b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3b\notes3b.txt Note3c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3c\notes3c.txt Note3d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3d\notes3d.txt Note3e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3e\notes3e.txt Note3f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\3f\notes3f.txt Note4a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4a\notes4a.txt Note4b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4b\notes4b.txt Note4c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4c\notes4c.txt Note4d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4d\notes4d.txt Note4e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4e\notes4e.txt Note4f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\4f\notes4f.txt Note5a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5a\notes5a.txt Note5b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5b\notes5b.txt Note5c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5c\notes5c.txt Note5d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5d\notes5d.txt Note5e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5e\notes5e.txt Note5f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\5f\notes5f.txt Note6a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6a\notes6a.txt Note6b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6b\notes6b.txt Note6c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6c\notes6c.txt Note6d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6d\notes6d.txt Note6e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6e\notes6e.txt Note6f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\6f\notes6f.txt Note7a=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7a\notes7a.txt Note7b=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7b\notes7b.txt Note7c=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7c\notes7c.txt Note7d=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7d\notes7d.txt Note7e=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7e\notes7e.txt Note7f=D:\Cdrive\Rainmeter\Skins\Large Calendar\7f\notes7f.txt FontName=みきゆFONT ペン字 P BlackFont=0,0,0,255 PurpFont=60,50,135,255 WhiteFont=255,255,255 BarColor1=140,140,140,200 BarColor2=20,20,20,255 ;Show part of the surrounding months? 1=Yes / 0 (or anything else)=no ShowOtherMonths =1 ;Month display text properties Month.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P Month.color =255, 255, 255, 217 Month.size =16 Month.align =center Month.style =normal Month.hidden =0 ;0 for no, 1 for yes ;Day of the week label text properties DayLabel.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P DayLabel.color =255, 255, 255 DayLabel.size =16 DayLabel.bg =0,0,0,0 DayLabel.bg.w =16 DayLabel.bg.h =16 DayLabel.xstart =20 ;Changes the X of the first day label. The rest is adjusted automaticaly by pxS ;Day text properties DayText.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P DayText.color =140,140,140,255 DayText.hilight =255, 255, 255, 75 DayText.size =11 DayText.align =right DayText.style =normal ;Day of the week label text ;Numbered 0-6 with 0 being the first day of the week and 6 being the last ;Changing these values does not affect the calculation of the dates and is purely cosmetic DayLabel0.text ="Sun" DayLabel1.text ="Mon" DayLabel2.text ="Tue" DayLabel3.text ="Wed" DayLabel4.text ="Thu" DayLabel5.text ="Fri" DayLabel6.text ="Sat" ;Previous month day properties PrevMonth.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P PrevMonth.color =50,140,200,255 PrevMonth.size =11 PrevMonth.style =normal PrevMonth.align =right ;Next month day properties NextMonth.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P NextMonth.color =160,210,80,255 NextMonth.size =11 NextMonth.style =normal NextMonth.align =right ;Current day's properties. Bolded by default BoldDay.font =みきゆFONT ペン字 P BoldDay.color =255,255,255,180 BoldDay.size =14 BoldDay.style =bold ;Calendar icon settings Icon =../cal_silk.png cal.x =0 cal.y =0 ;General text formatting ;Used mainly for day labels sAlign =center sStyle =normal AA =1 ;Spacing between each label ;Can also be used to change overall width. Manually adjust date alignments if done, though. pxS =100 ;Align weekday x ;Aligns the days vertically along each column that makes up the days of the week pD1.x =81 pD2.x =162 pD3.x =243 pD4.x =324 pD5.x =405 pD6.x =486 pD7.x =567 ;Align week y ;Aligns the days horizontally along each row ;If the month label is hidden subtract 20 from the values. If the month label is visible pW1.y sould be 40. 20 is the default spacing DayLabel.bg.y =22 ;x is always assumed 0 DayLabel.y =50 pW1.y =97 pW2.y =156 pW3.y =215 pW4.y =274 pW5.y =333 pW6.y =392 ;Day definition shortcuts ;Used in first week calculations _sun =1 _mon =2 _tue =3 _wed =4 _thu =5 _fri =6 _sat =7 ;Begin a slew of helper "functions" [cShowOtherMonths] Measure =calc Formula =(#ShowOtherMonths# = 1) ? 1 : 0 [cCentury] ;mod(century , 4) century assumed 20 for 2000. If this is ever used in the 2100s then change to 21. That's a big if. Measure =calc Formula =(20%4) [mYear] ;Gets current year in ## format. ex: 09 Measure =time Format =%y [mMonth] ;Gets current month without leading zero. ex: 9 Measure =time Format =%#m [cPrevMonth] ;Current month minus 1. ex: 9-1 Measure =calc Formula =mMonth - 1 [mDay] ;Gets current day without leading zero. ex 9 Measure =time Format =%#d [cLeapYear] ;Returns 1 if leap year or 0 if not Measure =calc Formula =((mYear%4 = 0) && (mYear%100 <> 0) || (mYear%400 = 0)) ? 1 : 0 [cMonthCode] ;Returns month "code" according to notes Measure =calc Formula =((mMonth = 3) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((mMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((mMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((mMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((mMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((mMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((mMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3)))))))) [cPrevMonthCode];Returns previous month's "code" according to notes. Oh how I wish Rainmeter had bona fide functions. Measure =calc Formula =((cPrevMonth = 3) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 3 : (((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 7)) ? 6 : ((cPrevMonth = 5) ? 1 : ((cPrevMonth = 6) ? 4 : ((cPrevMonth = 8) ? 2 : (((cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 12)) ? 5 : ((cPrevMonth = 10) ? 0 : ((cLeapYear = 1) ? ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 6 : 2) : ((cPrevMonth = 1) ? 0 : 3)))))))) [cMonthStartDay];Determines which day of the week a month starts. Used in week one to turn off days not in the current month Measure =calc Formula =(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cMonthCode+1-(2*cCentury))%7 [cMonthStart] ;Used to help determine day a month starts. If the day of the week is 0 or Saturday then return 7 (for day 7 in a traditional sense) otherwise return the other "coded" day of the week. Measure =calc Formula =(cMonthStartDay = 0) ? 7 : cMonthStartDay [cDayCount] ;Redundant use to determine total count of days in a month. Used to calculate when to stop displaying days in week 5 or 6. Credit to Jiri Mahel of HUD.Vision. Measure =calc Formula =((mMonth = 4) || (mMonth = 6) || (mMonth = 9) || (mMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((mMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31) [cPrevDayCount] ;Similar to DayCount but used to calculate the number of days for the previous month. Measure =calc Formula =((cPrevMonth = 4) || (cPrevMonth = 6) || (cPrevMonth = 9) || (cPrevMonth = 11)) ? 30 : ((cPrevMonth = 2) ? ((((mYear % 4) = 0) && ((mYear % 100) > 0)) ? 29 : (((mYear % 400) = 0) ? 29 : 28)) : 31) [cPrevMonthEndDay] ;Find the day of the week the previous month ends. Measure =calc Formula =(FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)+cPrevMonthCode+cPrevDayCount-(2*cCentury))%7 [cPrevMonthEnd] ;Find the day of the week the previous month ends. Measure =calc Formula =(cPrevMonthEndDay = 0) ? 7 : cPrevMonthEndDay [cMonthName] ;Shows the name of the month (%B for long name: January, %b for appreviated name: Jan) and the current year (%Y for long year: 2009, %y for short year: 09) ;Could also be modified to include the numerical day (%d for day with leading zero: 05, %#d for day without leading zero: 5) Measure =time Format ="%B, %Y" ;Uncomment to include day ;Format ="%B %#d, %Y" ;----------------- [Filter] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#backgroundcolor# X=0 Y=0 H=451 W=568 [Line4] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=0 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line1] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=95 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line2] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=155 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line3] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=214 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line4] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=273 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line5] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=332 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_line6] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=391 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Line2] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=450 H=1 W=568 AntiAlias=1 [Line3] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=0 Y=0 H=451 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown1] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=81 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown2] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=162 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown3] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=243 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown4] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=324 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown5] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=405 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Cal_linedown6] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=486 Y=95 H=356 W=1 AntiAlias=1 [Line1] Meter=IMAGE SolidColor=#BarColor1# X=567 Y=0 H=451 W=1 AntiAlias=1 ;----------------------------------- CALENDAR ;----------------------------------- ;Calculate the first week of days ;This assumes Monday is the first day of the week [cWD0] ;Calc weekday 1 (start) Measure =calc Formula =#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sun#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD1] ;Calc weekday 2 Measure =calc Formula =#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_mon#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD2] ;Calc weekday 3 Measure =calc Formula =#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_tue#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD3] ;Calc weekday 4 Measure =calc Formula =#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_wed#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD4] ;Calc weekday 5 Measure =calc Formula =#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_thu#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD5] ;Calc weekday 6 Measure =calc Formula =#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_fri#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7) [cWD6] ;Calc weekday 7 (end) Measure =calc Formula =(#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) = 0 ? 7 : (#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury)-7*FLOOR((#_sat#-FLOOR((5*mYear)/4)-cMonthCode+(2*cCentury))/7)) ;------------------------------ 1a ;------------------------------ [cDay00] ;Week 1 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD0 [cDay00Draw] ;Combine drawing the current date or previous month's date. Measure =calc Formula =(#_sun# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay00] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay00] [cPrevMonthDay00] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_sun# [cHL00Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay00) && (cDay00Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay00] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL00][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay00] [mDay00] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay00 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL00] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay00 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay00] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay00 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# ;-------------------------------- 2a ;-------------------------------- [cDay01] ;Day 2 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD1 [cDay01Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay00Draw = 1) || (#_mon# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay01] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay01] [cPrevMonthDay01] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_mon# [cHL01Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay01) && (cDay01Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay01] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL01][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay01] [mDay01] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay01 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL01] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay01 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay01] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay01 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# ;-------------------------- 3a ;-------------------------- [cDay02] ;Day 3 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD2 [cDay02Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay01Draw = 1) || (#_tue# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay02] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay02] [cPrevMonthDay02] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_tue# [cHL02Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay02) && (cDay02Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay02] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL02][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay02] [mDay02] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay02 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL02] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay02 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay02] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay02 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# ;------------------------------------- 4a ;------------------------------------- [cDay03] ;Day 4 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD3 [cDay03Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay02Draw = 1) || (#_wed# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay03] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay03] [cPrevMonthDay03] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_wed# [cHL03Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay03) && (cDay03Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay03] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL03][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay03] [mDay03] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay03 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL03] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay03 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay03] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay03 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay04] ;Day 5 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD4 [cDay04Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay03Draw = 1) || (#_thu# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay04] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay04] [cPrevMonthDay04] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_thu# [cHL04Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay04) && (cDay04Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay04] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL04][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay04] [mDay04] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay04 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL04] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay04 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay04] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay04 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay05] ;Day 6 in week 1 Measure =calc Formula =cWD5 [cDay05Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay04Draw = 1) || (#_fri# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay05] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay05] [cPrevMonthDay05] Measure =calc Formula =cPrevDayCount - cPrevMonthEnd + #_fri# [cHL05Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay05) && (cDay05Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay05] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL05][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay05] [mDay05] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay05 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL05] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay05 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mPrevDay05] Meter =string MeasureName =cPrevMonthDay05 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#PrevMonth.color# FontFace =#PrevMonth.font# FontSize =#PrevMonth.size# stringAlign =#PrevMonth.align# stringStyle =#PrevMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay06] ;Day 7 in week 1 ;If the month hasn't started already then something is really wrong. Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 [cDay06Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay05Draw = 1) || (#_sat# = cMonthStart) ? 1 : ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 1) ? -1 : 0) IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterShowMeter mPrevDay06] IfEqualValue =0 IfEqualAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06][!RainmeterHideMeter mPrevDay06] [cHL06Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay06) && (cDay06Draw = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay06] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL06][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay06] [mDay06] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay06 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL06] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay06 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW1.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay10] ;Week 2 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay06 + 1 [cHL10Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay10) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay10] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL10][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay10] [mDay10] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay10 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL10] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay10 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay11] ;Day 2 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay10 + 1 [cHL11Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay11) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay11] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL11][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay11] [mDay11] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay11 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL11] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay11 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay12] ;Day 3 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay11 + 1 [cHL12Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay12) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay12] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL12][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay12] [mDay12] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay12 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL12] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay12 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay13] ;Day 4 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay12 + 1 [cHL13Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay13) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay13] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL13][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay13] [mDay13] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay13 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL13] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay13 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay14] ;Day 5 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay13 + 1 [cHL14Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay14) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay14] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL14][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay14] [mDay14] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay14 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL14] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay14 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay15] ;Day 6 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cDay14 + 1 [cHL15Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay15) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay15] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL15][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay15] [mDay15] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay15 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL15] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay15 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay16] ;Day 7 in week 2 Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 + 7 [cHL16Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay16) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay16] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL16][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay16] [mDay16] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay16 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL16] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay16 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW2.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay20] ;Week 3 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in week 3 ;Keep adding one ;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th Measure =calc Formula =cDay16 + 1 [cHL20Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay20) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay20] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL20][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay20] [mDay20] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay20 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL20] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay20 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay21] ;Day 2 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cDay20 + 1 [cHL21Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay21) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay21] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL21][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay21] [mDay21] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay21 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL21] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay21 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay22] ;Day 3 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cDay21 + 1 [cHL22Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay22) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay22] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL22][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay22] [mDay22] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay22 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL22] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay22 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay23] ;Day 4 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cDay22 + 1 [cHL23Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay23) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay23] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL23][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay23] [mDay23] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay23 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL23] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay23 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay24] ;Day 5 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cDay23 + 1 [cHL24Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay24) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay24] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL24][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay24] [mDay24] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay24 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL24] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay24 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay25] ;Day 6 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cDay24 + 1 [cHL25Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay25) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay25] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL25][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay25] [mDay25] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay25 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL25] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay25 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay26] ;Day 7 in week 3 Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 + 14 [cHL26Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay26) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay26] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL26][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay26] [mDay26] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay26 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL26] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay26 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW3.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay30] ;Week 4 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in Week 4 ;No need to worry about calculating if day exists until 28th Measure =calc Formula =cDay26 + 1 [cHL30Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay30) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay30] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL30][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay30] [mDay30] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay30 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL30] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay30 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay31] ;Day 2 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cDay30 + 1 [cHL31raw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay31) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay31] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL31][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay31] [mDay31] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay31 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL31] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay31 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay32] ;Day 3 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cDay31 + 1 [cHL32Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay32) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay32] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL32][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay32] [mDay32] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay32 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL32] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay32 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay33] ;Day 4 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cDay32 + 1 [cHL33Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay33) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay33] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL33][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay33] [mDay33] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay33 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL33] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay33 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay34] ;Day 5 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cDay33 + 1 [cHL34Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay34) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay34] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL34][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay34] [mDay34] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay34 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL34] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay34 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay35] ;Day 6 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cDay34 + 1 [cHL35Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay35) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay35] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL35][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay35] [mDay35] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay35 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL35] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay35 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay36] ;Day 7 in Week 4 Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 + 21 [cHL36Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(mDay = cDay36) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay36] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL36][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay36] [mDay36] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay36 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL36] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay36 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW4.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay40] ;Week 5 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay36 + 1 [cNextMonthDay40] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? 1 : 0 [cDay40Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay40 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay40Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay40Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay40) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay40] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40] [cPrevMonthDay40] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay40Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay40][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL40][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay40] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay40 [mDay40] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay40 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL40] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay40 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay40] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay40 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay41] ;Day 2 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay40 + 1 [cNextMonthDay41] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay40 + 1) : 0 [cDay41Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay41 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay41Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay41Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay41) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay41] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41] [cPrevMonthDay41] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay41Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay41][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL41][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay41] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay41 [mDay41] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay41 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL41] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay41 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay41] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay41 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay42] ;Day 3 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay41 + 1 [cNextMonthDay42] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay41 + 1) : 0 [cDay42Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay42 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay42Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay42Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay42) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay42] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42] [cPrevMonthDay42] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay42Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay42][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL42][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay42] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay42 [mDay42] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay42 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL42] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay42 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay42] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay42 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay43] ;Day 4 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay42 + 1 [cNextMonthDay43] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay42 + 1) : 0 [cDay43Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay43 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay43Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay43Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay43) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay43] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43] [cPrevMonthDay43] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay43Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay43][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL43][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay43] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay43 [mDay43] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay43 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL43] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay43 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay43] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay43 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay44] ;Day 5 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay43 + 1 [cNextMonthDay44] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay43 + 1) : 0 [cDay44Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay44 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay44Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay44Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay44) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay44] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44] [cPrevMonthDay44] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay44Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay44][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL44][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay44] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay44 [mDay44] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay44 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL44] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay44 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay44] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay44 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay45] ;Day 6 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cDay44 + 1 [cNextMonthDay45] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay44 + 1) : 0 [cDay45Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay45 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay45Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay45Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay45) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay45] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45] [cPrevMonthDay45] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay45Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay45][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL45][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay45] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay45 [mDay45] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay45 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL45] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay45 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay45] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay45 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay46] ;Day 7 in Week 5 Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 + 28 [cNextMonthDay46] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay45 + 1) : 0 [cDay46Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay46 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay46Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay46Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay46) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay46] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46] [cPrevMonthDay46] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay46Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay46][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL46][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay46] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay46 [mDay46] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay46 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL46] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay46 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay46] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay46 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW5.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay50] ;Week 6 Begin----------------------------------------------- ;Day 1 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay46 + 1 [cNextMonthDay50] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay46 + 1) : 0 [cDay50Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay50 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay50Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay50Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay50) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay50] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50] [cPrevMonthDay50] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay50Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay50][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL50][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay50] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay50 [mDay50] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay50 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL50] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay50 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay50] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay50 X =#pD1.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay51] ;Day 2 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay50 + 1 [cNextMonthDay51] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay50 + 1) : 0 [cDay51Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay51 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay51Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay51Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay51) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay51] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51] [cPrevMonthDay51] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay51Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay51][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL51][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay51] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay51 [mDay51] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay51 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL51] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay51 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay51] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay51 X =#pD2.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay52] ;Day 3 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay51 + 1 [cNextMonthDay52] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay51 + 1) : 0 [cDay52Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay52 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay52Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay52Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay52) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay52] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52] [cPrevMonthDay52] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay52Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay52][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL52][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay52] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay52 [mDay52] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay52 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL52] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay52 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay52] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay52 X =#pD3.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay53] ;Day 4 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay52 + 1 [cNextMonthDay53] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay52 + 1) : 0 [cDay53Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay53 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay53Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay53Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay53) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay53] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53] [cPrevMonthDay53] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay53Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay53][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL53][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay53] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay53 [mDay53] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay53 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL53] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay53 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay53] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay53 X =#pD4.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay54] ;Day 5 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay53 + 1 [cNextMonthDay54] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay53 + 1) : 0 [cDay54Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay54 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay54Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay54Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay54) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay54] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54] [cPrevMonthDay54] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay54Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay54][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL54][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay54] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay54 [mDay54] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay54 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL54] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay54 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay54] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay54 X =#pD5.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay55] ;Day 6 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cDay54 + 1 [cNextMonthDay55] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay54 + 1) : 0 [cDay55Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay55 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay55Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay55Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay55) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay55] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55] [cPrevMonthDay55] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay55Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay55][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL55][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay55] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay55 [mDay55] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay55 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL55] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay55 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay55] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay55 X =#pD6.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [cDay56] ;Day 7 in Week 6 Measure =calc Formula =cWD6 + 35 [cNextMonthDay56] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? (cNextMonthDay55 + 1) : 0 [cDay56Sort] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay56 > cDayCount) ? ((cShowOtherMonths = 1) && (mMonth <> 12) ? 1 : -1) : 0 [cDay56Draw] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay56Sort = 0) && (mDay <> cDay56) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mDay56] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56] [cPrevMonthDay56] Measure =calc Formula =(cDay56Sort = 1) ? 1 : -1 IfAboveValue =0 IfAboveAction =!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter mDay56][!RainmeterHideMeter TodayHL56][!RainmeterShowMeter mNextDay56] IfBelowValue =0 IfBelowAction =!RainmeterHideMeter mNextDay56 [mDay56] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay56 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#DayText.color# FontFace =#DayText.font# FontSize =#DayText.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#DayText.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [TodayHL56] Meter =string MeasureName =cDay56 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#BoldDay.color# FontFace =#BoldDay.font# FontSize =#BoldDay.size# stringAlign =#DayText.align# stringStyle =#BoldDay.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [mNextDay56] Meter =string MeasureName =cNextMonthDay56 X =#pD7.x# Y =#pW6.y# FontColor =#NextMonth.color# FontFace =#NextMonth.font# FontSize =#NextMonth.size# stringAlign =#NextMonth.align# stringStyle =#NextMonth.style# AntiAlias =#AA# [heightDummy] ;Used to keep other skins from snapping to the bottom of an unused week Meter =image X =0 Y =#pW6.y# W =10 H =18 SolidColor =0,0,0,0 [Icon] ;The calendar icon------------------------------------------ Meter =image X =#cal.x# Y =#cal.y# ImageName =#Icon# LeftMouseUpAction=!RainmeterToggleMeasure cShowOtherMonths RightMouseUpAction=!Execute [C:\WINDOWS\system32\RunDLL32.EXE shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL timedate.cpl,@0,0] [monthLabel] ;The displayed month---------------------------------------- Meter =string MeasureName =cMonthName X =350 Y =10 FontFace =#Month.font# FontColor =#Month.color# FontSize =#Month.size# stringAlign =#Month.align# stringStyle =#Month.style# AntiAlias =#AA# Hidden =#Month.hidden# [lDay0] ;Day Labels------------------------------------------------- Meter =string Text =#DayLabel0.text# X =50 Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay1] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel1.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay2] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel2.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay3] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel3.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay4] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel4.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay5] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel5.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [lDay6] Meter =string Text =#DayLabel6.text# X =#pxS#r Y =#DayLabel.y# FontColor =#DayLabel.color# FontFace =#DayLabel.font# FontSize =#DayLabel.size# stringAlign =#sAlign# stringStyle =#sStyle# AntiAlias =#AA# [l0BG] ;Day Label BG----------------------------------------------- Meter =image X =0 Y =#DayLabel.bg.y# W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l1BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l2BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l3BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l4BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l5BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# [l6BG] Meter =image X =#pxS#r Y =r W =#DayLabel.bg.w# H =#DayLabel.bg.h# SolidColor =#DayLabel.bg# ;------------------------------------ ;------------------------- NOTES ;------------------------- ;------------------------------------ ;--------------Notes1a--------------- [MNotes1a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1a#"] [AddOver1a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1a X=5 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes1b------------- [MNotes1b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1b#"] [AddOver1b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1b X=5 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes1c------------- [MNotes1c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1c#"] [AddOver1c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1c X=5 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes1d------------- [MNotes1d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1d#"] [AddOver1d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1d X=5 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes1e------------- [MNotes1e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1e#"] [AddOver1e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1e X=5 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes1f------------- [MNotes1f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note1f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add1f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=1 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver1f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver1f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note1f#"] [AddOver1f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=1 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM1f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes1f X=5 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2a--------------- [MNotes2a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2a#"] [AddOver2a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2a X=86 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2b--------------- [MNotes2b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2b#"] [AddOver2b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2b X=86 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2c--------------- [MNotes2c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2c#"] [AddOver2c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2c X=86 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2d--------------- [MNotes2d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2d#"] [AddOver2d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2d X=86 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2e--------------- [MNotes2e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2e#"] [AddOver2e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2e X=86 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes2f--------------- [MNotes2f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note2f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add2f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=82 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver2f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver2f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note2f#"] [AddOver2f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=82 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM2f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes2f X=86 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3a--------------- [MNotes3a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3a#"] [AddOver3a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3a X=167 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3b--------------- [MNotes3b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3b#"] [AddOver3b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3b X=167 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3c--------------- [MNotes3c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3c#"] [AddOver3c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3c X=167 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3d--------------- [MNotes3d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3d#"] [AddOver3d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3d X=167 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3e--------------- [MNotes3e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3e#"] [AddOver3e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3e X=167 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes3f--------------- [MNotes3f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note3f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add3f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=163 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver3f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver3f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note3f#"] [AddOver3f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=163 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM3f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes3f X=167 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4a--------------- [MNotes4a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4a#"] [AddOver4a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4a X=248 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4b--------------- [MNotes4b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4b#"] [AddOver4b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4b X=248 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4c--------------- [MNotes4c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4c#"] [AddOver4c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4c X=248 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4d--------------- [MNotes4d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4d#"] [AddOver4d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4d X=248 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4e--------------- [MNotes4e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4e#"] [AddOver4e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4e X=248 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes4f--------------- [MNotes4f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note4f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add4f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=244 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver4f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver4f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note4f#"] [AddOver4f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=244 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM4f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes4f X=248 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5a--------------- [MNotes5a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5a#"] [AddOver5a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5a X=329 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5b--------------- [MNotes5b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5b#"] [AddOver5b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5b X=329 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5c--------------- [MNotes5c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5c#"] [AddOver5c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5c X=329 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5d--------------- [MNotes5d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5d#"] [AddOver5d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5d X=329 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5e--------------- [MNotes5e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5e#"] [AddOver5e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5e X=329 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes5f--------------- [MNotes5f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note5f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add5f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=325 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver5f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver5f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note5f#"] [AddOver5f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=325 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM5f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes5f X=329 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6a--------------- [MNotes6a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6a#"] [AddOver6a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6a X=410 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6b--------------- [MNotes6b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6b#"] [AddOver6b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6b X=410 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6c--------------- [MNotes6c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6c#"] [AddOver6c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6c X=410 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6d--------------- [MNotes6d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6d#"] [AddOver6d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6d X=410 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6e--------------- [MNotes6e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6e#"] [AddOver6e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6e X=410 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes6f--------------- [MNotes6f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note6f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add6f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=406 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver6f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver6f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note6f#"] [AddOver6f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=406 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM6f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes6f X=410 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7a--------------- [MNotes7a] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7a# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7a][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7a][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7a#"] [AddOver7a] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=115 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7a] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7a X=491 Y=120 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7b--------------- [MNotes7b] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7b# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7b][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7b][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7b#"] [AddOver7b] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=174 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7b] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7b X=491 Y=179 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7c--------------- [MNotes7c] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7c# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7c][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7c][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7c#"] [AddOver7c] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=233 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7c] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7c X=491 Y=238 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7d--------------- [MNotes7d] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7d# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7d][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7d][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7d#"] [AddOver7d] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=292 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7d] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7d X=491 Y=297 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7e--------------- [MNotes7e] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7e# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7e][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7e][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7e#"] [AddOver7e] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=351 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7e] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7e X=491 Y=356 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1 ;--------------Notes7f--------------- [MNotes7f] Measure=Plugin Plugin=Plugins\QuotePlugin.dll PathName=#Note7f# Disabled=0 Separator=カ #Subfolders=0 #FileFilter=*.txt Hidden=1 [Add7f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,20 X=487 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 MouseOverAction=!Execute [!RainmeterShowMeter AddOver7f][!RainmeterRedraw] MouseLeaveAction=!Execute [!RainmeterHideMeter AddOver7f][!RainmeterRedraw] RightMouseDownAction=!Execute ["#Note7f#"] [AddOver7f] Meter=IMAGE Solidcolor=0,0,0,100 X=487 Y=410 W=80 H=40 AntiAlias=1 AntiAlias=1 Hidden=1 [NotesM7f] Meter=STRING MeasureName=MNotes7f X=491 Y=415 W=74 H=35 FontColor=255,255,255 FontFace=#FontName# FontSize=8 StringAlign=LEFT StringStyle=NORMAL AntiAlias=1 ClipString=1